Planetary Spirals

Singer/Songwriter John Lee - Free mp3 downloads


I am currently working on an EP titled War of Magic. It explores light against darkness, God and the Devil, when to trust left hand path or right, and the need to find our own sacred space. The mini-album will be released early next year.

  1. Time passing by…
  2. Won’t the sun shine for me (today)
  3. Processing (within)
  4. Turnaround
  5. I remain
  6. War of Magic
Free MP3 Download - Singer/SongwriterGhosts

The acoustic guitar songs featured here at Planetary Spirals are all the creation of singer/songwriter John Lee. They represent over 10 years of writing and recording and cover themes such as UFO conspiracies and environmental degradation. Coined guitar folk the music is a fusion of traditional folk, contemporary arrangements, grunge influences, rock and blues. The free mp3 downloads are are for each track off every album.

Singer/songwriter John Lee has been developing his own songwriting and performance style. In the spirit of free independent music, the album content is not deliberately focussed at any kind of market or listening group. The acoustic guitar songs are a labour of love for the artist. A free expression of his emotions and thoughts on the world he experiences as it happens.

The acoustic guitar music was originally recorded on a four-track recorder. The analogue recordings were converted to digital downloads. As new guitars, Freshman and Washburn were purchased digital recording techniques were learnt and utilised by the singer/songwriter. The music was captured using a digital mixer and edited with the Acid Pro digital workstation. The change in recording techniques has created studio quality recordings.

Singer/Songwriter John Lee

Besides writing and recording free independent music the singer/songwriter enjoys writing about unexplained phenomenon, UFOs, history and changes in the Earth’s climate. Poetry and short story writing are also becoming an important factor in the artist’s exploration of self-expression. The album Lullaby has recently been recorded the first track from the album has just been released and shares its name with the album title. Enjoy the free independent music and download this new mp3.

Free MP3 Download - Singer/SongwriterWaves

Front cover for the album Hegelian Dialectic
Front cover for the album Top Secret
Artwork for the album Lullaby
Front cover for the album Mysterious Circles
Front cover for the album Nibiru
Front cover for the album cover of As Above, So Below
Front cover for the album Vimanas
Outside the Outsider's Art Work

Singer/Songwriter John Lee

I will be releasing two songs every two weeks from my seventh album 'Outside the Outsiders', free to download. It was recorded during the years 2017/18 and encompasses topics affecting many of us today, such as Brexit, climate change, the refugee crisis, isolation, loneliness and hopefully shines a dim light of hope in these demanding times. Thanks for listening and enjoy the music Peace:)

Outside The Outsider’s

I’ve finished recording my seventh album, titled ‘Outside the Outsider`s’. The tracklisting is listed below

  1. Animal
  2. Cradle
  3. In Time
  4. Summer of ’17
  5. Home
  6. Outside the Outsiders
  7. Generation X
  8. Black
  9. Blue Sky
  10. Divided
  11. Fading Sun
  12. Messenger
  13. Infinite
Outside the Outsider's Art Work

The album will be streamed on my website for a couple of weeks from the 31st of October

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