
    The winter slowly fades into memory
    As spring arrives in the vacuum to be…
    A swallow on the wing, a bee in the sun
    For the season has changed, spring has begun
    A carpet of bluebells, a primrose yellow in the glade
    An ancient oak tree opens it’s green cloak and the meadow awakes
    A chiff chaff calls & the cuckoo arrives for a day
    An orange tip passes me on the old country lane
    For my ancestors saw the same seasonal change
    It’s a wonder of delight and a song to remain
    A passing of time, an orbit of magic & love
    For it has no religion, or worship any god
    It’s a gospel of cycles
    From one age to the next
    It’s a rebirth of life
    It all connects
    For spring is an egg, for spring is a seed
    For everything follows…..this awakening…