India’s national epic, The Mahabharata a poem of vast length and complexity achieved it’s present form in the second century A.D. It records conflicts between beings with advanced technology, maybe more advanced than today. In one episode a tribe called the Vrishnis which included the hero Krishna are under attack from an army led by an individual called Salva. Salva it says came mounted on a sauba chariot, the sauba chariot could in modern times be described as mother ship. The vrishnis however were well equipped and the hero Krishna took to the skies in pursuit of Salva , where it explains rockets, missiles, spears and spikes being used against Krishna. Krishna however wards off Salva’s attack with the equivalent of antiballistic missiles. Sauba however becomes invisible, then Krishna loads a special weapon, an ancient version of a smart bomb. Lastly he releases his favourite fire weapon and Salva is killed.
What are these weapons mentioned in this ancient epic, the story continues with the fearful agneya weapon used by the hero Adwattan. ” ..dense arrows of flame, like a great shower, issued forth upon creation…” . It continues to explain the power of this weapon, which eerily resembles a nuclear bomb. Why was this technology around and so early on in history and where did it go. References to air travel are also included in the mahabharata, with the famous vimanas recorded, which could only be UFOs. Did civilizations and many others just wipe themselves out or did they flee to return sometime in the future.
No one knows, but it shows that a lot of significant history is rejected and hidden by certain groups of people. Are we living in a similar golden age to these ancient people and have we learnt from there mistakes. probably not. But when people see UFOs today it is not a new phenomenon , UFOs have been spotted throughout the history of planet earth, like the vimanas, it’s like history has been conveniently altered to fit the theory of evolution. How can evolution exist, if nuclear bombs and flying machines existed thousands of years ago. The timeline is all wrong.