The Environment

We all enjoy a walk in the countryside, enjoying the sights and sounds nature has to offer. But with the increasing change in climate nature needs a friend, as it can not stand up and say no, it is a crucial time in the planets history. The climate change meeting at Copenhagen in december will try and address these issues and find solutions in reducing the impacts of climate change.

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Mysteries of the Earth (Part Two) -The Mahabharata

India’s national epic, The Mahabharata a poem of vast length and complexity achieved it’s present form in the second century A.D. It records conflicts between beings with advanced technology, maybe more advanced than today. In one episode a tribe called the Vrishnis which included the hero Krishna are under attack from an army led by an individual called Salva. Salva it says came mounted on a sauba chariot, the sauba chariot could in modern times be described as mother ship. The vrishnis however were well equipped and the hero Krishna took to the skies in pursuit of Salva , where it explains rockets, missiles, spears and spikes being used against Krishna. Krishna however wards off Salva’s attack with the equivalent of antiballistic missiles. Sauba however becomes invisible, then Krishna loads a special weapon, an ancient version of a smart bomb. Lastly he releases his favourite fire weapon and Salva is killed.

What are these weapons mentioned in this ancient epic, the story continues with the fearful agneya weapon used by the hero Adwattan. ” ..dense arrows of flame, like a great shower, issued forth upon creation…” . It continues to explain the power of this weapon, which eerily resembles a nuclear bomb. Why was this technology around and so early on in history and where did it go. References to air travel are also included in the mahabharata, with the famous vimanas recorded, which could only be UFOs. Did civilizations and many others just wipe themselves out or did they flee to return sometime in the future.

No one knows, but it shows that a lot of significant history is rejected and hidden by certain groups of people. Are we living in a similar golden age to these ancient people and have we learnt from there mistakes. probably not. But when people see UFOs today it is not a new phenomenon , UFOs have been spotted throughout the history of planet earth, like the vimanas, it’s like history has been conveniently altered to fit the theory of evolution. How can evolution exist, if nuclear bombs and flying machines existed thousands of years ago. The timeline is all wrong.

Close Encounters Sir Francis Chichester

Sir Francis Chichester , a yachtsman and pilot famous for solo crossings of sea and sky in the 1920’s and 30’s encountered a UFO on june 10, 1931. He was alone in his gypsy moth airplane somewhere over the tasman sea. He said, ” suddenly ahead and thirty degrees to the left there were bright flashes in several places, like the dazzle of a heliograph. I saw a dull grey white airship coming towards me”.

The ship then disappeared to Francis’s dis-belief and suddenly reappeared, he observed these airships and concluded they might have been flying saucers. * A classic case in the history of UFO’s is the Kenneth Arnold sighting of june 24, 1941, which finally caused the US airforce to take offical notice of the phenomena. Arnold, a civilian pilot was flying near mount rainer searching for a crashed plane, when a brilliant light flashed on the side of his plane. To his amazement he saw nine gleaming objects coming south from the direction of mount baker, he calculated there speed at 1,600 mph, nearly three times faster than the aircraft of the day.

Merry Christmas

Christmas is here again and time to reflect on another year. Christmas is celebrated in most countries of the world and is a festival celebrating the nativity of Jesus. According to the gospel of Luke, Jesus was born to mary assisted by her husband joseph in the city of Bethlehem. They were visited by several magi or astrologers who brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh after following a mysterious star, known as the star of bethlehem.

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Thoughts and Reflections on the Weather

Just had a heat wave in the UK, the weathers definately changing. With the geographical battle in the artic it’s a crucial time to say no more. The oil will eventually run out and alternatives will have to be found, so nows the time to start. The deline in certain bird species is alarming, particularly the migrants such as the turtle dove. The swifts and swallows here however have had a successful year which is encouraging. On other subjects, albums I recommend this year include Willie Nile – american ride and alice in chains – the devil put dinosaurs here. Still working on my new songs and it’s sounding good, will be putting a new song up soon. Don’t believe the lies and remember this beautiful planet is worth saving.

Encounters with Angels

Through life people see things they can not understand or told that they do not exist, such as ghosts and UFOs. One example is encounters with angels. The definition of an angel is an agent or servant of divine power, a spritual being who travels between different realms and can perform miraculous acts.

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Thoughts and Reflections – Nature

It’s been a tough year with the loss of my mum and recently my grandma. It puts everything into perspective and to quote from the great Pearl Jam song, ‘Sirens’ , “it’s a fragile thing this life that we lead”, sums it up for me at the moment. It’s hard to understand this world during such times, you have to dig deep and find some purpose to go forward. I’ve been walking in the mountains and getting lost in the wild, it’s soothing for the soul and enables my thought processes to settle.

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Searching For The Truth – A Discussion

Somethings cannot be explained and these interest me more than any fact or accepted truth called history. Education isn’t a bad thing, I appreciate being able to read and write , but why aren’t we taught about unseen or alternative history. Is there some conspiracy to cover up the truth,. But what is the truth what do solitary monks wish to find, what is enlightenment , maddness?!. George Orwell was eerily accurate with his novel 1984, to think diffrently is a crime or to even think at all , why are we bombarded with a lifestlye we can’t afford, do we aspire to be celebrities.

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Mysteries of the Earth (Part Three) – Monsters and the Mind

1) Do monsters really fly? Mythology has many stories of fire breathing dragons, the fearsome roc of the arabian nights, the harpies of greece and the thunderbird of american indian lore. Evidence however is scarce, but the fossil remains of a pterodactly, a sharp toothed reptile with a 25 feet wingspan were found, so do flying monsters exist now. In new jersey there is the jersey devil, with 2 feet batlike wings and in africa a creature called the kongamato has been seen, described as a flying lizard with a beak full of teeth. Also in washington, texas and west virginia there is the mothman, reputed to be man shaped and gray in colour. All these creatures have been seen, are they alien in origin, experiments gone wrong, no one knows, but nothing is what it seems.

2) Mind creatures. Creatures of the mind exist in a variety of forms, such as lifelike entities in dreams, invisible friends and hallucinations. Some apparitions however make public appearances and in Tibet manifestations of the mind are called tulpas. A tulpa is produced by a skilled magician or yogi and some are able to produce 10 different kinds of tulpa such as humans , animal or supernatural. A woman lama wrote a book about her experience with a tulpa called magic , mystery in tibet. She manifested from her mind a phantom monk, who eventually became troublesome and a day- nightmare for the lama, after a long struggle the phantom dissolved. A lesson to be learned, what you see maybe a illusion and people maybe there to deceive and corrupt. Be careful who you trust.

Black Holes

Beyond Earth is an infinity of space, that man has only just begun to explore. One of the greater mysteries and baffling is the phenomenon known as black holes. They cannot be seen and there existence is shown by the effect they have on other objects. They are like whirlpools in space. Any object that strays to near will be sucked into it’s dark maw. Where it goes no one knows. Do giant suns and galactic dust cease to exist, or do they travel into another dimension.

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