Thoughts & Reflections September 2016

So here we are in the future, NASA sending Osiris Rex to a faraway comet…technology enabling future explorations to deep space…proxima centuri beware! And still we can’t reconcile our differences on this insignificant ball of rock. I try and write songs with a positive message and believe I’m quite well read, particularly searching for an alternative view (recommend John Hamers book ..The falsification of history and anything by Henry Makow and others). Climate change is no conspiracy, the evidence is there, but will the elite use it to continue there quest for absolute power(check out agenda 21). All musicians particularly in mainstream seem to be in on the game, I know it’s cynical but when immorality is spread through pop videos it’s hard to see the industry in a positive light (triangle of manifestation…becoming a bore). Of course there’s positives, Global Citizen for example and with activism comes empathy, which I believe can only be good for the world. So with my collection of new songs ready to record I hope to touch and connect, with the title being ‘Outside the outsiders’ it’s how I felt growing up and still do a little to this day, of being alienated and isolated from the so called popular and cool, but from this comes another perspective, an eternal gnostic reflection, that searches inside and finds love and comfort. Don’t worry about image, just create and be good to each other. That’s what I do…finding strength in music and nature…there constant and will always be there. Thanks for reading. Peace xx