Singer/Songwriter John Lee

I will be releasing two songs every two weeks from my seventh album 'Outside the Outsiders', free to download. It was recorded during the years 2017/18 and encompasses topics affecting many of us today, such as Brexit, climate change, the refugee crisis, isolation, loneliness and hopefully shines a dim light of hope in these demanding times. Thanks for listening and enjoy the music Peace:)

Greece – ‘Gods and Philosophers’

I have a great interest in ancient civilisations and philosophy, it inspires me to write and sometimes influences songs. It is amazing to think in Greece, Egypt and even Britain there was a very different society, based on different beliefs and customs and this mythology has survived to this day.

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Outside The Outsider’s

I’ve finished recording my seventh album, titled ‘Outside the Outsider`s’. The tracklisting is listed below

  1. Animal
  2. Cradle
  3. In Time
  4. Summer of ’17
  5. Home
  6. Outside the Outsiders
  7. Generation X
  8. Black
  9. Blue Sky
  10. Divided
  11. Fading Sun
  12. Messenger
  13. Infinite
Outside the Outsider's Art Work

The album will be streamed on my website for a couple of weeks from the 31st of October

Diary of Creativity 14

I’ve been practicing songs to record later this year for my new album, ’13’. The tracklisting is as follows – 1)control 2)sad 3)travelling 4)move-along 5)conversation 6)transition 7)grail 8)echo 9)love 10) broken promises.

Diary of Creativity 28

Just finshed recording an EP called Love on 1st september and will have the following tracklistng…1)heaven 2)know your rights 3)comet 4)Love. It will be released early next year as a full download. Also written 15 other songs for my future project called Panspermia. Meanwhile next week I’ll release a 5th song from Hegelian Dialectic called running scared. Thanks for reading and showing an interest.

Summer Visitors

Every summer millions of birds migrate from afar a field as africa and travel as far as 12,000 miles. But how do they arrive at exactly the same nesting spot every year. It’s just a mystery. In the UK we have many migrants such as chiff chaffs, swifts, swallows and house martins. The summer sky is fall of these amazing birds and there arrival marks the start of summer, as they raise young to prepare to return to far away lands.

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Autumn Reading

  1. Black elk speaks – John.G. Neihardt
  2. Gone – Michael Grant
  3. Ash – James Herbert
  4. The return of the gods – Erich Von Daniken
  5. Last and first contacts – Stephen Baxter


In my spare time I like walking in the countryside and enjoy birdwatching. Living in north west wales we are about an hours drive away from snowdonia national park. We are very lucky to spot red kites regularly and also hen harriers , which are quite rare. We also feed the birds in our garden and have many visitors such as house sparrows, blue tits, blackbirds and robins. One of my favourite birds is the swallow, as it signifies the start of summer , as its a migrant from africa and returns there in early september.

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The mayans were an ancient civilisation from south america and very knowledgeable on the workings of the solar system and the galaxy. They had many cycles connected to the stars and a cycle called the long count comes around every 5000 years, which is due on the winter solstice , 21st december 2012. on this day the sun will rise within the dark rift of the center of our milkyway galaxy, an event which occurs every 25800 years.

Mayan hieroglyphs describe this dark rift as the cosmic womb or black hole, through which wizard kings entered other dimensions accessing sacred knowledge. The black hole is the cosmic womb from which new stars are born, including ourselves. References to this alignment were encoded in numerous mayan temples and the long count is the result of a shamanistic experiment conducted in secret , where the initiated would enter different states of conciousness. The knowledge and accuracy of there astronomical findings is incredibly accurate and without the help of telescopes or advanced technology. Its interesting to think with the current state of the world, such as ecological problems and religous tensions that we are living on a precipice and 2012 seems strangely significant. So what will happen on this date, maybe nothing, but I do not believe it will be the end of world, more of a shifting of conciousness and hopely a brighter future for planet earth.

Diary of Creativity 21

I’ve been rehearsing songs to record in a few months for the new album ‘Hegelian Dialectic’. Also writing short stories and working on my first novel,’Dark moon’. I will be releasing a new song called ‘Let It Go’ early next month. Thanks for reading.

2010 – Recording New Album

I will be recording new songs this year and hope to improve the quality. I have 15-20 songs to record with titles such as perception, time and space , rising moon and faith. The new song RITUAL is available to download now and is about the music industry and what it means to be the listener and consumer.

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