
Astrology has roots in early cultures all over the world, such as stonehenge in the british isles, which dates back to 3000bc , some believed it was used to predict the eclipses of the sun and moon, events which have great astrological significance today. Other ancient monuments had a similar purpose around the world, particularly in China, India, Japan and the united states.

The modern 12 sign zodiac emerged in Babylonia around the 5th century bc. This zodiac divided the stars into twelve 30 degree sections consisting of one sign each. Egypt was an important place for the development of astrology and the ideas that developed there formed the origins of modern astrology around the world. In the west astrology was accepted by the church and philosophers until the 17th century. Afterwards astrology because of the impact of science became seperated from the church. Even scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton(1642-1727) studied astrology and even alchemy, the 18th centuries age of reason brought an end to this way of thinking. Even though the church distanced it self away from astrology it still holds great interest today and provides an alternative outlook on life. Astrologers of earlier times viewed there work as a combination of science and art and even poetic in nature.