Hope everyone is keeping ok. If your reading this thankyou.Been a strange start to 2014 with my mum passing away on 11th january, it’s a great loss and my track memories is a tribute to her. It’s strange what tests confront you in life and love is the redeeming factor. My mum taught me to believe in love and stand by the discriminated and badly treated people. She instliied in me an empathy of other cultures from the native americans, to aboriginies to the palistine struggle, theres always a conscious struggle being fought, our mind is our own and nobody, NOBODY owns that.
Corporations may parade their power from the music industry to the sporting field, but who are really our heroes, people making money displaying symbols of a symbolic nature, it’s hard to trust anybody, nothing is as it seems. So I try to display some integrity I’m not part of some secret order or plan, I am me free of any contract or compromise, it’s a freedom the internet must hang on to, it’s a game where the chosen few are chosen , it’s about money and control, I’m just true to my word . Peace